Same day grocery delivery service

Delivery from as little as 30 minutes

Same Day Grocery Delivery

Groceries to your door

Running low on groceries? Not to worry, Snappy Shopper has got you covered!

We know that it can sometimes be difficult to juggle everything that the day has in store for us. Doing the weekly shop can eat into precious time that you could be using to get other things done. Whether you need something in a hurry for dinner, need some fresh fruit for the kids lunch boxes, or just want to fill the fridge for the week ahead, you can get everything delivered through Snappy Shopper.

We make shopping online a breeze! Our dedicated retailers can get your groceries delivered from store to door in 30 - 60 minutes.

How to get your home delivery

It couldn't be easier to get same day delivery for your grocery shopping. You can either order online or through our app, which is available on both Apple and Android. Then, simply tap in your postcode and choose your local store. This will allow you to choose all of your favourite products and add them to your cart!

Supporting local

Snappy Shopper works with independent as well as franchised stores in cities and in rural areas, from the north of Scotland to southern England and Wales. So, every time you shop with us, you're buying from your local store and putting money back into your community. It's a win win!

Value for money

On average, our retailers have a £10 minimum spend but this varies from store to store. You will be advised if you haven’t quite met the minimum order requirements before you check out. 

Did you know that we also do Beer deliveryAlcohol delivery, Frozen food, Breakfast, Fruit and veg

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